Under-5 and Neonatal mortality rates

The SDG target for under-5 mortality rates (SDG target 3.2.1) in the Region shows higher rates among boys than girls consistent with the natural biological disadvantage faced by boy babies.

Under-5 and Neonatal mortality rates

The SDG target for under-5 mortality rates (SDG target 3.2.1) in the Region shows higher rates among boys than girls consistent with the natural biological disadvantage faced by boy babies.

The SDG target for under-5 mortality rates (SDG target 3.2.1) in the Region shows higher rates among boys than girls consistent with the natural biological disadvantage faced by boy babies (70,193,194). However, Tonga is an outlier with a higher mortality rate for girls under 5 years. Limited data is available for the neonatal mortality rate (SDG target 3.2.2) with only three countries reporting data (Cambodia, Philippines and Viet Nam), and only the Philippines and Cambodia have current data.

Figure 14. Maternal mortality ratio and female population with secondary education, selected countries, Western Pacific Region, 2015 (35,189,190).


  1. UNDP. Human Development Data (1990-2017) [database] [web site]., 2019 (http://hdr.undp.org/en/data, accessed 19 June 2019).
  1. Gender and health in the Western Pacific Region. Manila, World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 2014.
  1. Maternal mortality. Data by country. [web site]., 2015 (Maternal mortality Data by country).
  2. UNDP. Table 5: gender inequality index. In: UNDP human development reports [online database]. New York, United Nations Development Programme, 2016. (http://hdr.undp.org/en/composite/GII, accessed 20 July 2016).
  1. Women and Health in the Western Pacific. Remaining challenges and new opportunities. Manila, WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 2011.
  2. World Health Organization. Probability of dying per 1000 live births Data by country [online database] [web site]., 2019 (http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.525?lang=en, accessed 29 June 2019).


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